Welcome to Cyber Security Solutions

Cyber Security is designed to tackle any form of cyber-crime/cyber-attacks. It provides IT security services that detect, solve and deter potential attacks. A cyber threat is defined as any possible threat or danger that can exploit vulnerable computer systems and cause harm. Cyber-security has and can be referred to as Information Technology Security although cyber -security has been suggested to be more advanced that the latter (Solms and Van Niekerk, 2013). Cyber Security offers sophisticated and innovative strategies and responses to cyber-security breaches. Malware is defined as multiple forms of harmful software that can be used to infiltrate computer systems. These are amongst some of the most common cyber-attacks; Denial of Service (DOS), Distributed Denial of Service (DDOS), Man in the Middle, Eavesdropping attack, Drive By attack, Cross Site Scripting, Phishing and Spear Phishing attack, Password attack.

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Cyber Security offers sophisticated and innovative strategies and responses to cyber-security breaches. Malware is defined as multiple forms of harmful software that can be used to infiltrate computer systems.